Marketing Fundamentals that Are Forever

TechNeos Solutions Pvt. Ltd
3 min readJan 20, 2023

The core aspects of marketing remain the same over time. The only thing that shifts is the setting in which we operate according to the basics.

Adapting New Things

  • New things are always exciting to marketers. The most up-to-date concepts, technology, fashions, innovations, and advertisements, among other things. The idea that something new is superior and that the most recent thing is the finest is hardwired into our genes. However, it is not difficult to comprehend.
  • Since we are driven by the market, we must remain abreast of any recent developments. We gain traction for our brands by making bold promises about how they are newly and significantly enhanced. Because we are so dedicated to making progress, we are willing to put in long days and stay up late.
  • We recognize and celebrate the best of the news between ourselves and our colleagues. “New” is the thing that appeals to us the most.

“However, what is different about marketing is the environment in which we do things rather than the basics of what we do. But, immersed as we are in all things new, we frequently lose sight of this. As a result, we’re always rediscovering the foundations.”

Marketing History

  • Consider consumer-orientation. During the 1950s and 1960s Mad Men era, David Ogilvy advised his contemporaries that “the consumer is not an idiot; she is your wife.” In other words, place the consumer at the center of your focus.
  • Before Ogilvy, consumer-centricity was highlighted by Peter Drucker. In the 1970s and 1980s, the marketing guru from Harvard, Ted Levitt, did so again. In the 1990s, Don Peppers and Martha Rogers added the twist of one-to-one customization.
  • In the twenty-first century, Emory University marketing icon Jag Sheth introduced an organizational twist. Then came digital and the worry of losing the consumer in the Big Data haystack, which led to a rebirth of the concept in the mid-2010s. Now, in the twenty-first century, it is resurfacing under the banner of human-centricity.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • What we see exhibited in this constant re-articulation of the same old concept of customer-centricity is arguably best stated as the defining irony of marketing, namely, that to maintain the basics in the forefront, we must continually rearticulate them to ourselves in new ways. However, this is not to discount this irony.
  • The context is constantly shifting, thus we must adapt the fundamentals to the current circumstance in novel ways. However, adjusting the basics to the situation should not be confused with new, different, or newly found fundamentals. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. The basics are unchanging. In marketing, the only thing that is ever new is the way we use old ideas.

TechNeos Solutions is a leading marketing agency that focuses on growing your business successfully with online marketing services. Whether you want to increase conversions, traffic to your website, or both, we can help you design an internet marketing campaign that can help you reach your goals.



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